Sunday, March 27, 2005

Crap Movie of the week


What a horrible movie! It is a true turd. This Paul Walker crapfest was only in the theaters for a few weeks. Time travel at its worst. The plot is so dumb, I wont even recap.

During the troubled posts-production of the film, the legend Jerry Goldsmith scored the music in the film originally. Believing the score was finished, Goldsmith moved on to work on other things. Richard Donner saw the cut of his film and decided to pump up the film with more action. He recalled Jerry Goldsmith to replace his romantic score with a more action score. Goldsmith did. After really bad test screenings, it was decided they needed more reshoots and more editing. Well, after they edited the movie, Goldsmith's score did not fit, and Goldsmith refused to rewrite his music again. I don’t blame him. They replaced him with another composer, but you can buy Goldsmith’s very good score even though it’s been rejected.

I can’t believe one of my favorites directors Richard Donner, who was responsible for the wonderful Superman movie, made this movie and didn’t at lease try to make it halfway good. It’s like he’s not even trying. The FX shots are terrible and the acting is bad, thanks to Paul Walker.

Words cannot convey the amount of hatred I have for Paul Walker. There is no reason for anyone to even call him an actor. He doesn’t act, he just plays the surfer dude character in every movie. What were they thinking when they cast him as an archaeological student. No character development here.

For a good laugh, watch this movie.


  1. what i don't get is how ol' paul keeps working! he went to the keanu school of acting.
    thx for reading my blog -- i appreciate the support!

  2. I don't care. I liked watching it if only for Frances O'Connor (rowr). Plus we got to travel back to Medieval times and see the violence inherent in the system! Help! Help! They're being repressed!

    Sorry, switched movies for a second.

  3. Okay, Jeff you got me there about Frances. But the plotline of the movie just gets lost. Oh, Justjudith you're right he seems to follow keanu footspets. Thanks for dropping by folks!
