Thursday, April 04, 2024

Daniel Larson talked to me. I touched the poop,,,

Guys and girls, I touched the poop.  I touched the Goblin King himself, Daniel Larson.  Larson, whom I’ve written about, has a YouTube channel.  That seems strange because he gets booted from every platform for harassment and nudity.  His channel is Daniel Larson Free 2024.  It has a lot of clips of him walking, just walking.  Anyway, I felt compelled to troll and tease the Goblin King Daniel Larson.  

On his stupid channel, I just picked a random clip and dropped a stupid comment.  


3 days ago

Look here, look listen this is the cleanest best video.  Don't call anybody.

The comment combines To Catch a Predator, Wings of Redemption, and Chris Chan.  Larson knows nothing about Chris Hansen, Wings, or Chan.  Larson has some serious predator habits and likes to film teenage girls.  His poopness left a comment and heart on my comment.  


3 days ago

I just got spotted again

That’s not what I said in the comment.  I was just spouting out random memes.  I don’t recommend talking to Daniel in any form.  Just observe from a distance.  Don’t touch the poop.  

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