Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Star Trek TNG: the Grainger Hines incident. The VO from heck

Ah, the Grainger Hines incident.  Hines did the entire episode with his regular voice, but the producers thought he sounded like John Wayne.  Uh, everyone was doing John Wayne.  Listen to Peter Cullen doing Prime in the first season of Transformers.  Anyway, they redubbed his voice without asking him to do it himself.  Plus, they did it poorly and it sounds bad.  As a form of protest, Hines got his name removed from the credits.  And, I agree with him.  

Why not ask him to do a different voice or ask him to fix it in the post?  It makes no sense.  I would love to know if Gene had something to do with this.  He was barely hanging onto the production during the third season.  Berman and Pillar would run the show under a tighter ship when Gene released his grasp on day-to-day productions.  

I tried looking for more info about this, but it looks like Hines isn’t talking about it.  I understand.  Now, if Grainger Hines would like to give us more insight into the incident in the comment section.  

Anyway, that same episode had one of my TNG crushes in it.  Eileen Seeley played the love interest of Data in the episode.  She is still active on social media and her IMDB kicks ass.  She was two freaking Jack Frost movies, the horror ones that the stupid kid one starring Bruce Wayne. 

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