Friday, February 16, 2024

Dana Plato and that video store robbery (Part 1 of 2)

Growing up, I didn’t have a crush on Kimberly Drummond.  She was pretty, but I guess I wasn’t into girls just yet.  If it wasn't for the acting, Dana would have been a figure skater.  While doing research, it appears she was doing drugs at around 13-14 and surviving an overdose.  

One of my favorite stories to tell about a TV star is the Dana Plato robbery story.  Dana was on one of the biggest shows on network TV.  Everyone remembered Kimberly from Diff'rent Strokes.  The producers fired her from the show and her life turned downward.  This was due to her being knocked up and the network not wanting to deal with teenage pregnancies. After getting written out, she would show up from time to time.  Her last episode was that very special Bulimia episode.  

Side note:  There is an actress named Kimberly Drummond.  Did her parents name her that on purpose to pay tribute?  How many Gen X people ask her about her name?  

Due to drugs, she moved away from Hollywood.  She got work at a dry cleaner.  Could you imagine having Kimberly take your clothes?  She was the girl every young girl wanted to be like and every boy had a crush.  Now, having a normal job is fine, but for someone like Dana to work in a shop instead of sitting on a big production has to be humbling.  

Flash forward to 1992, and she is starring in the terrible “video game” FMV CD adventure Night Trap.  It was a shit game with shit acting.  VG work wasn’t considered great or steady work at the time.  Today, actors are proud of being in VG stuff.  I could go on about Night Trap, but that is for another post.  

By the way, make sure to watch some of the old episodes of Diff'rent Strokes.  In certain episodes, you can see Dana completely high as hell, and she can barely get through her lines.  

Anyway, she was working at the dry cleaners and decided she needed some extra cash.  She looked across the street at a local video rental store.  

“Hmm, that seems like the perfect place…”

End part one  

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