Dana Plato grabbed a fake gun, a pellet gun, and entered the video store. Back in the day, video stores were everywhere. She entered the video store without any manner of concealment of her face. She went inside raw. Furthermore, she pointed the pellet gun at the clerk. Kimberly, uh Dana, demanded money from the counter. Of course, the clerk recognized her and couldn’t believe it. Dana was a bit more forceful with her demand. The clerk complied. Dana, like a ninja, jumped over a small wall and disappeared into the void.
After the robbery, the video store clerk told 911, “I think Kimberly just robbed me from Different Strokes.” Yep,
Being on one of the most popular TV shows in every city, Dana didn’t even bother to cover her face. The kicker is that she only got away with less than 200 bucks with her criminal mastermind.
Why would she not bother covering her face? Why did she return to the crime scene? Was it because she was trying to return the money? Or was she trying to get her name back out there? After watching the news stories about her robbery, it appears she was trying to cash on her negative fame.
What were her true intentions with the robbery? Did she have a pellet gun on her at all times? After her arrest, she did try to soak in the negative fame. I am torn about this because she was a drug user. People wanting drugs means that they will do anything to get a hit. I believe she hit rock bottom and needed more cash. The 6 dollars an hour wasn’t cutting it for her habits.
After the arrest, Wayne Newton, yes that one, paid her bail. He felt she needed a second chance due to her not having a proper childhood. Todd Bridges, her costar, went to court for her as a character witness. The prosecutor ripped him apart and Todd went back to using drugs.