Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Donna Adelson arrest video. Cue the clown music

Even though the Idaho 4 case is slowing down, the Adelson case is heating up.  Every week, new events happen in the case.  Recently, Donna Adelson’s arrest at the airport was released.  When you are feeling down, such as I am, watching an evil, entitled, and rich woman get stopped and arrested is sweet.  

When you watch the arrest, watch the hubby and Donna block the FBI agent from taking her phone.  I love that the line for boarding the plane is watching them.  I hope someone has alt-footage of her arrest.  

Likewise, I think the Adelsons have something planned. I think Charlie is going to take the blame for the murder and try to get his mother free. And, Defense Attorney Daniel Rashbaum, hi. I know you and Charlie read "the blogs" too. I want to like you, but be a better person. If you know she is going down, you need to give the plea deal options.   

Anyway, she had a case management appointment.  She looked a bit out of it.  

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