Friday, January 05, 2024

Charlie Adelson: Sitting in the Fart Factory

This is the phone call right after the conviction of Charlie Adelson.  It was right after they took him back to his cell after the trial verdict.  

Here he is. He is the man who threw away everything for his mother and sister.  Instead of turning on his family, so he could find time to get out and see his son, he decided to bet the farm on his extortion theory.  Unless his appeal works, he will spend the rest of his life in prison, surrounded by people who hate him.  His mother and father attempted to leave the country and leave him behind.  Yet, he will not turn on his mother or sister. Isn’t your son more important?  Your parent attempted to dip out on you.  

BTW, momma Adelson is having a fit in jail, worrying about her spoons.  I am not making this up. 

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