Saturday, December 23, 2023

The Return of the flack

I had written about this lady a few months ago.  This was the woman who tried to cancel Quinton Reviews because he rejected her (allegedly).  Oh, my god, this is screaming pain to me.  I am not going to embed this video because I don’t want to force the video on you, but you can check it out here.  She will read this and probably attack me, but oh well.  

I suffer from some of the same things Flower Girl mentioned in her revenge video.  Relationships will never be the same for us strange people.  I am awkward and weird, so I understand.  What you did was a bit out of line.   Dropping a love letter to Quinton was a bad decision.  There needs to be boundaries, Flower Girl. I’ve been rejected by the best and friend-zoned.  When that happens, you move on and get better.  Stop bringing it up and improve upon yourself instead.  

Why even do this video when the shit has died down?  Most people have forgotten about this. Plus, we know that Quinton will do something else stupid like attempt to mack on another annoying Tuber.

Furthermore, you dodged a bullet when Quinton turned you down.  Look at him and look at you.  He’s not exactly a prize or even a door prize.  Plus, he’ll only talk to you about Garfield.  Garfield.  Maybe dumpy-frumpy YouTubers who talk about teenage sitcoms are your type. This video isn't going to help you, but it does give me content.


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