Sunday, December 10, 2023

“oh god, oh man, oh god, oh man” RIPD Ryan O’Neal.

RIP Ryan O’Neal.  

Ryan wasn’t really on my radar, in most pop culture stuff.  I do remember him being on the Larry Sanders Show a few times.  However, his biggest impact was in the Internet realm for me. His “oh god, oh man, oh god, oh man” bit was the meme that started other memes.  Every year, I play this clip.  I still laugh at the over-the-top acting and the stupid music.  

Make sure to read the rest of the comments of recent. 

Side Note: I heard Ryan wanted to beat the crap out of the director for making him look bad. I think the entire movie is a POS, the Internet just caught the coolest moment from a forgettable movie.

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