Monday, December 18, 2023

Christina Revels-Glick: Inside Edition reshaping the truth...

Since Inside Edition has been a thing for a long time, they should know when people will call them out.  Remember that story about that woman wanting to rub one on a public beach?  Yep, it was an amusing and then sad story.  Recently, ID sent out the video above and claimed that she was “shamed to death” by her arrest going viral.  They are trying to point the finger at social media.  Here’s the problem; the dates don’t work out for your narrative.  

The body cam footage happened in 2021.  She killed herself eight months later in her apartment.  She lay there rotting for 30 days.  Her family has stated that she went off the deep end due to drugs and booze.  Given my family's issues with drug and alcohol abuse, getting arrested doesn’t matter or embarrass them.  They just want that fix.  She has numerous arrests under her rap sheet.  I believe she alienated her family so much that they didn’t check on her when she disappeared for 30 days.  She probably burned a lot of bridges with her drug abuse, and they wanted nothing to do with her.  I have that problem with a current family member.  

There are real stories where the Internet has destroyed someone’s life.  Why even create this narrative for this story?  It never happened that way? Was it laziness, or just an attempt to shove this into the “social media is bad” narrative down our throats?  

The worst part is people in the comment section believe this narrative in the comments.  

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