Tuesday, October 17, 2023

They Cloned Chris Chan

Somehow, Danny Larson is funnier and more amusing than Chris Chan.  


Given that the state just gave up and threw out the case, Chris Chan is a free man, woman, whatever.  Chris believes that he is untouchable and can just bounce back to the Internet as if he didn’t rape his sister.  This fool released a video recently on his channel and he is back to his old tricks again.  The trolls will start to troll him, and he will act up more and more.  I still think he will attempt to bang his mom again, despite there are rumors that he is in a relationship with someone who isn’t a member of his family.  Sadly, we’ll just have to wait until he messes up again and spends two more years in jail.  

He needs to be put away and never be seen again. His life is ruined thanks to his parents and himself. There is no redemption run for this fartknocker. Well, let's sit back and enjoy the ride.

F’ you, Chris. 

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