There are two movies that remind me of the central theme of Cloned. Get Out and Black Dynamite. Both movies get subtle references. Black Dynamite has a connection via the social experiments via mind control products. In other words, the fried chicken scene is a reminder of that. The Get Out connection is mind control.
Within the black community, there is always a large group of people into conspiracy theories. Many of them claim that the government and companies attempt to social engineer and reshape the black community. By pumping drugs and negative aspects into the community, the community can never grow. This is the central theme of the movie, but it wraps it into some humorous scenes. You see, you can have a message movie, but it has to be entertaining with stories and characters. This is not a woke movie, and it feels like a hybrid between the 70s and 2000s films.
When you get a pimp, a hooker, and a drug dealer as the heroes, it makes for an amusing trio. Did I mention how much I love the twist ending that rewards the movie title? Anyway, They Cloned Tyrone is a surprise and a lot of fun. It has some interesting social discussions about the negative aspects of the black community and puts a mirror in front of us. It also has that dark sense of humor from the early 2000s that is missing in today’s movies.