Monday, September 25, 2023

what the hell is this tune: Not too Bright Peter Bright

The US federal government caught him in a Chris Hansen sting.  He was arrested, charged, and convicted, serving around 144 months.  Since it is federal, he will have to at least serve 80% of that.  Then again, Jinbop got out earlier.  I find it interesting that this guy’s work is still on the site he worked for as if it never happened.  Many of the tech journos didn’t even mention it.  He’s been a guest on many long-running tech streams.  Just like Devin Faraci, there was little written about him. This shit isn’t as bad as Danny Masterson’s friends ignoring the issue or defending him.  

Now that we know what Bright has done, there is a rather amusing story involving me and his abandoned YouTube channel.  When the story hit 3-4 years ago, I did some digging into his social media just to look up things he’s said or did before his arrest.  Peter’s YouTube channel is rather dead and he is videos are bland, like my blog.  Like his Twitter, I wanted to see if people left trolling comments under his videos.  I found one that was freaking funny as hell…to me. 

So, there was a video on his shitty channel with some strange music.  The title is what the hell is this tune  and there was only one comment under the video.  

Prison theme song” was the comment left behind.  I laughed and gave the comment a thumbs up.  Then, I looked closer and noticed something strikingly familiar about the user.  It was me…four years ago.  I recently looked up my old trolling comment and forgot I posted it and liked my old comment. 

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