Thursday, August 03, 2023

Rare Star Trek Convention Bloopers: Unearthed Footage from the 1970s

If I am correct, this VO is Gene Roddenberry.  I remember reading that Gene would raid the studio vaults to compile his bloopers.  He would later sell the blooper reels to conventions and make a quick buck.  Gene made some good money from selling these bloopers under the table.  Even I had a tape of these bloopers mixed with TNG season one.  

They would show these bloopers on a loop at conventions, where you could buy them.  

Both Stewart and Nimoy hated Gene leaking these bloopers.  I actually like them, and they give you an insight into the cast and crew goofing around.  I remember watching this one and the TNG version back in the 90s.  I got my tape at the John de Lancie convention in Louisville.  The kicker is that hotel is still around today.  

The TNG bloopers below are edited.  There is an unedited version with some nudity.  I am not making this up.  

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