Friday, August 11, 2023

Montgomery Alabama Riverboat Brawl WWF Style

Not today, son.  

This is one of the best fights/royal rumbles I’ve seen in a while.  I believe there is a racial component in this story.  Because a black man with authority told them to move their boat, they had a problem.  What compelled the first guy to do a Liu Kang uppercut? Was it the beer or racism?  Was it both?  

I love the black man above the fight running down the pier, and the other guy swims to help the First Mate.  While I don’t get involved in things like this, I would for the case.  Watching a black man get jumped by good old boys is triggering,  

Did I mention the mugshots are out too?  The look of shock and anger is priceless.  They’re thinking. “This is Alabama.  We’re not supposed to be arrested for this.”  

Trust me, I have more to say.  

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