Friday, March 31, 2023

Sorry Charlie: The Adelson Family drama for ya momma

Everything I say is opinion and conjecture.  So, don’t sue me, shithead Adelson Family.  

What makes the entire family evil and morally bankrupt is that everything they do behind the scenes is terrible.  Not only did they conspire to kill a family man, but they even wanted to place the blame on an innocent man.  They were willing to let a person not involved get the rap.  Charlie planned and paid the middle woman, Katie, to get the ball rolling.  After the murder, Katie, Charlie, and Donna continued their lives as if nothing had happened.  Well, the chickens have come home to roost.  Katie and her hubby have life sentences.  Charlie will be sitting in jail for over a year, waiting for his trial to come up.  I hope he is the next one to face the music, so to speak.  

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