Sunday, February 26, 2023

Scott Adams hates black people

I was never an office guy and I hated office politics.  Being a black guy in a blue-color world, I didn’t “get” Dilbert.  I loved Garfield growing up, but certain comics didn’t appeal to me.  Every large office I walked into had one of the boring comics plastered on their cubicle walls.  Was it required to have one of these poorly drawn comics on your wall?  I don’t know.  Office Space and The Office do the office culture better.  

Dilbert is like that girl you took to prom, boring and bland.  

Scott Adams, the shittier Jim Davis, seems to have a large following of people tracking his “boomer foolish” online.  Looking through his KF page, I came across the Dilberito, and I am totally shocked this was a thing.  In the style of Garfield Eats, this food product was a significant failure.  Even Adams ragged on it.  

I guess Mr. Dilbert recently destroyed his bland brand with a stupid comment.  His comments are a wee bit racist. From CNN, ((Newspapers across the country dropped the “Dilbert” comic strip over the weekend after the creator of the satirical cartoon went on a racist tirade, calling Black Americans a “hate group” and suggesting that White people should “get the hell away” from them.))  While I am for free speech, you get what you f’ing deserved.  So, most of Dilbert’s outlets are dropping him.  I am okay with that.  Nothing of value was lost.  

The only other thing I know about Scott is that he had a cameo on Babylon 5…

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