Thursday, February 02, 2023

Katherine Magbanua Verdict - 5/31/22: Is Charlie Next?

The update on the Dan Markel case is we’re still on track to see Charlie Adelson at trial in April.  Charlie’s lawyer is trying to stop Katherine Magbanua's proffer from being revealed to the public.  That’s fine, Charlie.  We have all the wiretaps that make you look like an asshole.  

Dan’s alleged murderers are still out there in southern Florida.  Granted, now they are scared and watching their doors for the swat or FBI.  And, I do think the Adelson mother, Donna, will be the next to be arrested.  If I were the DA, I’d arrest her right now, just to scare Charlie into a plea bargain.  However, Charlie could rat out some of his family because they’ve abandoned him and his outstanding bills.  There are too many variables.  

Remember that I thought Katie would take her secrets to the grave in prison because she refused to snitch on Charlie?  The thing is that I am okay with Charlie going down for the murder and nobody else.  Knowing that his mother will live the rest of her short life knowing she convinced her golden boy into brokering a deal for murdering Dan.  That is worth more than even prison.

The worst thing about the crime is Katie, Charlie, and Donna went on with their lives as if nothing happened.  They behaved normally, until the FBI bump.  It is crazy. 

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