Wednesday, February 08, 2023

Bryan Kohberger reportedly fired?

There are new leaks coming out about our creepy alleged murderer, Bryan.  Leaks claim that Washington State University fired his ass.  Remember, he was a teaching assistant.  More details have revealed that he was an unpleasant person to be around, especially towards women.  

From the Independent, ((His attitude towards women was cited as a key concern, with the criminal justice student allegedly being “rude to women”, grading the women that he taught differently to the men, and having a “sexist attitude towards females he interacted with at the school”.))

Keep in mind that Bryan seemed to be rude to women in other locations, such as bars. This supports the theory that he is an INCEL.   Given his arrogance and awkwardness, I believe he felt entitled to harass women out of his league.  He zeroed in on his victims and stalked them for months before doing his deed.  This would be his crowing achievement, getting away with the perfect murder.  Plus, he fulfilled his need to get back at every hot woman who rejected him.  

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