Wednesday, January 04, 2023

Thank you, YouTube: How To Tie a Tie: Half Windsor

The algorithm does strange things.  

I am not a tie-wearing dude.  While I wear nice pants, I never wear suits.  So, I’ve never learned how to make a tie.  Nice pants and a collared shirt work for me.  Anyway, YouTube suggested this video above from 11 years ago.  I actually remember watching it from that time period.  Look, if an attractive woman explains something to me, I am going to listen.  I am almost certain I posted a blog on the video years ago, but I am too lazy to look it up 

What’s even more interesting is this YouTuber is still making content today on YT.  Most content creators from that era don’t make videos anymore, but she still does.  

I’ve gotten two “how to make a tie” videos in my suggestions recently.  Why?  Is Google trying to tell me something? Are all t-shirts going to be rendered useless?

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