Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Darrell Brooks: a fool in training

I have been a long-time watcher and commenter on Dave’s Lemonade channels.  Recently, Dave did a long video covering Mr. Groundz Darrell Brooks.  Dave did an outstanding job with the coverage and revealed the sheer panic and heartbreak of this little man rolling over people.  

My only difference of opinion from Dave is that it had less to do with race and more to do with gender, in my opinion.  Darrell hates women of all races and just sees them as beneath him.  When the woman that he groomed at a young age defied him, he went into a blind rage,  

Brooks doesn’t care about anyone but himself.  He rolled his eyes or looked at the bible as his victims read their statements.  On the other hand, he wanted everyone to hang on to his every word as he rambled on for 2-plus hours.  The world is better now that he is in prison for life.  

Side note: Brooks is a sex offender, he pimped her out at a young age. This means he will have a terrible time in the big house.

Can I get a groundz on that?  

When the man puts on his sad face, he always looks like he dropped a turd on the “groundz”

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