Thursday, January 12, 2023

Bryan Kohberger (Exarr) - Soundcloud Rap: Spoiler alert: It sucks

Guess who has their own rap song?  Bryan Kohberger, yep, that creep had a “rap” career.  It is just as terrible as you would expect from a person that is alleged of killing four people.  He stumps over his words and doesn’t have any rhythm or flow.  I said this in the comments, but it is worth repeating, “He needs to collab with Darrell “Groundz” Brooks.  Brooks was also a killer and a failed rapper.  

He's a SoundCloud rapper...wonderful.

This user provided us with his sharp lyrics.  

((Always the same thing that disrupts my life

Wondering when I’ll change, I guess when the time is right))

Interesting, you say “disrupts my life” given that you’re facing murder charges.  We know you have changed thanks to murdering people.  

((Procrastinating my derange, to change would be a fight

So I’m pacifist like I’m afraid to get a bloody fist

Look at this, mind is pissed, and I keep running

Why is this when I hit it always [when I’m sunning]))

I think you’re showing your hand, bloody hand, Bryan.  He’s hinting at his problems.  

((Gentle giant, no defiance, all building alliances

Still think that I’m present, I’m stuck in the future

But I'm never looking at the fucking present

Keep it up, act like you're all that

Here's a cookie too and a present

Led from a desert eagle))

Is he talking about all the hot girls that ignore him?  And, you are not a gentle giant.  This is really creepy.  Did his father and mother hear is snappy lyrics?  

((Eagles going louder than my Mother fucking [beagle]

And you like, you get no sequel

Leave you loved ones crying like some seagulls

You are not my equal, you are evil, but I'm evil

And now I'm going Regal

Don't fuck with us [you'll learn a lesson] Exarr music))

Well, you left the loved one crying.  Is this a blueprint?  

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