Tuesday, December 06, 2022

Wil Wheaton a few thoughts

Can Wil Wheaton walk away from Twitter?  

From the beginning of this blog, I used to admire Wil Wheaton because he was a geek and a blogger.  He was blogging and making blogging popular with his honest posts and thoughts of his time on TNG.  However, something snapped inside Wil, and he turned into the thing he was against so long ago.  He became a dick.  

When you stay on the Internet long enough, you’ll become the thing you hated.  When was the turning point for Will?  Was it during GG or Trump’s win?  Which one broke him?  

I want the Wil Wheaton that entertained me with his Trek stories and blog postings and less of his Twitter rants.  I want the Wil that wrote more fun things and got less SJW

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