Saturday, December 10, 2022

Orthodox RABBI Bill Clinton Kid TROLL Interrupts Game Awards: Best troll?

I usually hate award shows and hate the VG award shows, but this guy ruled the day with the greatest troll moments ever.  Rabbi Bill Clinton?  One thing I can be certain of is Clinton doesn’t a religious bone in his body.  He has a “bone” but not a godly one.   Not since Will Smith pimp-slapped Chris Rock have I been excited about an award show moment.  

Please notice how the music keeps fading out and a few people were clapping.  That was great.  You can see the Doritos Pope fuming under that fake reaction.  He would later announce the troll was arrested, but the cops just took a report and let him go.  It’s not like he grab the mic from the winners and announced his favorite game “of all time, all time”.  He let them finish and then trolled.  He reversed “Kanye West” -ed them.  

The kid sneaked onto the stage and calmly waited for his moment in the background.  He sneaks by the guys and makes his epic statement and gets his ass arrested.  Was it worth it?  Given he had his biggest trolling moment at 15, is it all downhill from here?  

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