Wednesday, December 21, 2022

MathboiFly’s Rap (Darrell Brooks): Spoiler Alert: It is terrible...

Yeah, we’re returning the meme goldmine of Darrell Brooks.  This guy is a super clown.  He’s a jack of all trades and a failure of all.  The only thing he seems to be good at is threatening women and going to jail. At some point, he thought he could start a rap career.  Maybe he’s trying to follow rapper Mystikal’s career path.  Mystikal is a registered sex offender, and so is Darrell.  Darrell keeps showing his red bandana and dressing is red.  Is Darrell in the Bloods?  I can’t find anything connecting him to the Bloods.  Given that he is a teen predator, I am sure the gang doesn’t want to be associated with him.  Who does?  

Well, Brooks’ music is still shit, just like his pimping.  He’s a failed pimp, rapper, lawyer, and meth head.  It would be amusing to discover that Brooks failed at Twitch streaming too.

Side Note: Some discussions are going on in this video’s comments.  Most are saying they wouldn’t take him in. 

I found a better rapper...

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