Saturday, December 17, 2022

Giving us the "Trump" Card

No one asked for them, but we now have a Trump card set.  They’re poorly made-NFT cards that aren’t worth anything.  It is a sad state of affairs when even Baked Alaska bashes you.  Who are these trading cards made for?  His crowd has always been out-of-touch boomers.  Do they really know about NFTs?  Is it the same people that paid for Trump Steaks?  

i can’t believe i’m going to jail for an nft salesman 😔

— Baked Alaska™️ (@bakedalaska) December 15, 2022

Hey, Baked, you did it for the Lulz.  It stings when the head guy you marched for just trolled you.  

Did I mention the cards are $99...each?  Hey, who am I kidding?  He’ll make a fortune for it.  

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