Thursday, December 29, 2022

Aries Spears has a point...

While Aries Spears and I don’t agree on many things, I have to agree with him on these issues.  When I was young, I thought women cared more about money than anything else.  However, it has more about a man’s swagger and attitude than looks or wealth.  In the black and Latino communities, it does seem to be more of a focus on swagger than anything else.  I remember a black woman telling another black woman that I didn’t have any swagger.  Yep, out of all the issues I have to deal with, that is the one that you have a problem with, sure.  

I’ve seen some of the hottest women date or hook up with some of the poorest and most broken-down men ever. When it comes to most women, it truly is how you carry yourself.  Since I don’t have “swagger”, I am in trouble.  Oh, no. 

I’ve also noticed a growing trend of younger men being gold diggers these days, too. 

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