Thursday, December 08, 2022

Allison vs. Power Rangers Fans: Change the Channel.

I used to look up to the Channel Awesome people back in the day, but all of them are now coming across as entitled assholes.  Despite their fame waning, many of them refuse to get real jobs and wallow in pity and Internet Drama.  Even Spoony has some problems, Allison showed her true nature back then, and it’s been downhill from there. 

I am all about having discussions about aspects of shows, but Allison showed her true colors,  She had a bad take, got some blowback, and retreated.  Linkara didn’t help matters by coming in and being the constant white knight.  Linkara, you’re not the actual Lightbringer.  

I used to like Allison, but she seems to do this a lot.  She will go into a community, lob a few grenades and watch the community tear itself apart.  This time it didn’t work.  She did this to Spoony, the Change the Channel failure and now this.  

When some of these people receive a little pushback, they retreat, block and disengage.  I’ve taken some caps from KF from this incident. I think things would have ended up differently if Spoony stood up to Allison in a stronger manner.   

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