Wednesday, September 21, 2022

G4TV Officially FIRES Frosk, maybe?

G4TV fires Frosk...finally

Hey, you don't have to brag or list everything on Twitter.  It will always come back to bite you in the ass.  G4 laid off a bunch of people, and Frosk decided to leave a sly tweet bragging about surviving the firings.  There was a bit of an outcry about that. When will people learn to STFU and not tweet off-base remarks?  While I don’t like to dance on people’s career graves.  Frosk is a terrible person, and she already has another show she is working at currently.  

What is even crazier is most of the people cheering her on in her rant are now gone and no longer work for G4.  Some things just need to stay in the past…

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