Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Nathan Downhour Analysis (the "Possible Serial Killer" Predator)

Because of this video above, I wanted to look into one of my favorite predators from TCAP.  Nathan Downhour.  Allegedly, a coworker from the plastic recycling company did an AMA on the TCAP Subreddit.  Take everything they say with a grain of salt.  

There are certain things that the poster says ring true to me about Nathan.  The former co-worker says Nath was a bit too clingy and stalker-like with some female employees.  So, our creepy former predator doesn’t work there anymore.  ND was in a few shots of their company promotional video.  Also, Nathan revealed that his parent coddled him as a child, which explains his naïveté in the Hansen interview and the arrest.  He comes from money, with his family owning a winery, and his family has a religious background.  

The Reddit poster also claims that everyone knew about his TCAP appearance, but coworkers weren’t allowed to talk about it. 

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