Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Gary Coleman wearing the same outfit from Buck Rogers on his sitcom. Strange...


I was talking to my boss, who was much younger than me, about a small piece of equipment. I called it a Gary Coleman thing. He didn’t know what I was talking about. I had to tell him to look him up. I am now living in a time when there are people that have no idea about certain 80s references.  

After that, I did some Gary Coleman watching and discovered a strange thing that happened on the show. In one episode of Different Strokes, Arnold was wearing a strange outfit that didn’t fit the with clothing styles of the80s. The name of the episode was “Slumber Party”. This one is one of many a crossovers episode with its sister show Facts of Life, with most of the first season girls showing up. The outfit Gary Coleman was wearing was from another show he appeared on as a guest star. That being Buck Rogers. Why would the producers of both shows let this happen? The name of that episode is the “Cosmic Whiz Kid”.  

No one in Gary’s sitcom universe mentions his strange futuristic outfit. It is like Arnold, Gary, walked through a portal from the future back to the 80s to his home wearing that outfit. What if Shatner wore his Starfleet uniform on TJ Hooker? They wouldn’t the rights to it.  

I tried my best to find out the reason for this outfit crossover. I found very little in the way of facts. Given most of the cast and crew are dead, I am sure we won’t find out. From the YT comment, they say that Gary was filming his Buck Rogers episode at the same time and just wore his outfit on his own show. Another commenter said Gary demanded to wear the outfit. That means he was walking around off the set with this stupid outfit on. You couldn’t do that today without making it clear you are doing it on purpose.  







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