Thursday, July 21, 2022

David Schumacher: Police Report 7/18/22 (It is a little too late for that, dogg)


I wanted to bring up one more TCAP story today. Remember our friend the white dude that acted like a gangster? “Role-playing chatroom, dude.” He got arrested a couple years back trying to steal a woman’s car as she stood beside it, got caught and arrested. He ended up going into some strange mental location and the state released him. Just a few days ago, David Schumacher ended up breaking into a camper, and leaving his shit behind, making it easier to track him down. He’s a smooth criminal.  

Did I mention that David stole clothes from the owner and walked around town wearing them? Thus, these actions make it easier to build a case against him. Perhaps, he was role-playing as a hunter. What a complete idiot. It is time for him to spend a few years in prison because he is going to keep doing this.  

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