Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Dan Markel: My thoughts




This whole saga is like an episode of GoT.  You got rich families hating each other over family shit.  One family decides to kill a guy using hired help.  While this murder happened nearly 7 years ago, it is now starting to heat up again.  Everyone involved in this murder is a terrible person.  Everyone is a piece of shit.  Three out of the six alleged coconspirators have been convicted.  

My personal favorite is Charlie Adelson, the douchebag brother.  He’s that trust-fund asshole that shows up to your party despite not being invaded.  He always has an 18 or 19-year-old on his arm.  Chuck here is spending his time in jail without bond, and I am sure he regrets it now.  The other thing is, I am getting a Jeff Sokol vibe from him.  Like Sokol, he thinks he’s above it all.  He should sell out the rest of his family and go for the scorched earth approach.  Was it worth it, Charlie? 


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