Monday, June 20, 2022

Dustin McPhetridge Update



Having refused to make any improvements in his sex offense treatment class, Dustin attempted to get his parole thrown out in a terrible and entitled letter to the judge.  Dustin was looking at receiving some time in prison.  Yet again, he’s lucked out.  As an agreement, the judge gave him time served.  However, Dustin will have to be on strict parole for the rest of his sad and stupid life.  One of the bigger demands in the agreement is Dustin has to get or look for a job.  I am certain this will be a problem for him due to him being lazy.  He wants to sit around playing video games and harass little children and teenage girls.  

Sadly, he will re-offend and will be thrown back in prison for months.  Then, he’ll get out and refuse to improve, get arrested again.  Dustin is incapable of changing.  

Chris Hansen called him on his podcast and here is the delightful response he got from our sex offender fiend. 

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