Wednesday, May 25, 2022

TheSpoonyOne Noah Antwiler RETURNS


After losing his live-in girlfriend, house, and dog, Spoony has finally returned to streaming via his “live wires”.  After refusing to sit his ass in front of a computer and play a game, he emerged from his dungeon and started playing games again.  More power to him if he can keep it up. For a man that lost everything because of Twitter and depression, Spoony is still tweeting on Twitter.  He knows it is unhealthy for him and doesn’t bring him money.  

Unless he makes some profound changes, he will fall back into his old habits. I still think he needs to get a real job and work on his live streams. Like many of the former Channel Awesome people, he believes he's beneath a real job.

Side Note:  His stalker still has no job and still writing and putting Spoony in hashtags.  Some things never change. 

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