Thursday, May 12, 2022

Jay Rockefeller: The floating turd that never gives up



Creep and the ugly guy drives around in an ugly-ass van, harassing and assaulting women.   Yep, that sounds like a sexual predator, but this fool films himself and broadcasts it on the live stream.  I’m all about trolling people, but this goes beyond that.  Approaching women and asking them to date or f’ you is really creepy, and they need to call the cops on you. Somehow, this became entertainment.  Well, this guy, who looks like a cave goblin, has finally done something stupid.  He maced a couple of girls and received a warrant for his arrest.  


This asshat lives in a horrible rape van, yes, an actual rape van.  He looks like one of the predators left off the show To Catch a Predator.  While I am honestly surprised he hasn’t been shot yet, he will have a wonderful time in prison.  He will get all the sex he wants, just not the kind he desires.   


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