Monday, May 02, 2022

Dustin McPhetridge Probation Update April 2022



It amazes me how Dustin and Chris Chan have a lot of similarities.  

Good old Dustin never ceases to amaze me.  Dustin received another extension on his probation hearing to determine if he is going back to prison or not.  Dustin has refused to move forward with his court-ordered sexual offense classes.  He outright won't move forward after three-four years.  He had to show improvement in his classes, however, it is clear to see that Dustin hasn't made much progress.   The man-child looks down upon the notion he is a monster and wants to re-offend.  He blames everyone else for his shitty behavior and doesn’t want to change.  

To my total surprise, Dustin has the nerve to demand to be released from his RSO probation.  If he doesn't get his release, he wants full use of the Internet without monitoring devices on his phone and computers.  Keep in mind that Dustin committed all his sex crimes on the Internet.  Giving him access to the Internet is like giving a serial killer access to knives.  Dustin is dangerous on the Internet.   

So, he refuses to take his rape classes seriously, but he writes a letter asking to be fully released from probation.  Are you fucking kidding?   

It should also be noted that his lawyer wanted these findings to be sealed.  She clearly knows about his fame online.  So, what do I hope for Dustin?  I hope he goes back to prison for a couple of years and then goes to psych-ward for a few years.  


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