Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Chris Chan's Return


Keep in mind, that this is all conjecture and not fact.  It is only my opinion.  

Having returned from his stint in a mental location, Chris Chan is back in jail.  He looks haggard and skinnier, looking less like a broken-down Ben Franklin.  Like clockwork, Chris started writing these stupid letters again.  

Having studied Chris Chan over the years, I genuinely believe Bob and Barb were abusing Chris for a long time.  We also know that Barb was allegedly a slut and tried to take her sisters’ men from them.  She married Bob because he owned a house and had money.  You can tie Chris’s obsession with sex into him being abused at an early age.  The whole story of Chris being mute for years as a child back this up, and he morphed his story into the babysitter abuse story.  

There were some horrible things going on in that house for a long time.  

Although she created Chris Chan and probably did those things to her son, what Chris did was also wrong and should be locked up as a sexual predator for a long time.  Make no mistake, Chris Chan is a rapist…allegedly. 

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