Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Stupid IRL Streamer maces Tinder date & gets arrested


What is with these IRL streamers and their obsessions with pepper-spraying people?  This little piece of shit decided to mace a mentally damaged drunk woman.  Usually, you don’t mace a woman on your first date…or any date.  When a date ends with pepper stray, it is a failure. This Young Cheeto dude is a very terrible person, and there are a bunch of videos showing him being an asshole to people.  It just reveals how vile and stupid he is when you watch the video.  The woman is clearly damaged, and she is having a mental breakdown.  

Cheeto, you do realize that the stream can be used against you in a court of law?  

I hope they throw the book at him.  He’ll probably get off pretty easily.  

Side Note: It appears he is not allowed to stream himself, but he’s showing up on other people’s streams.  Recently, he got kicked out of a motel/hotel because he was banging his “girlfriend” on another person’s stream.  


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