Friday, March 04, 2022

US Capitol Arrests: Carol Kicinski



Real-life always proves it is stranger than fiction.  

It is okay to be a conservative and not believe Trump’s bullshit lies.  Try it sometime.  Well, it seems another sort of famous person got caught up in the shit show that was the capital riot.  A famous chef, who has a wiki page, was just arrested a few days ago for the capital riot.  The woman, who looks like your run-of-the-mill GiLF, runs a magazine, showing up on TV shows and written books, believed in the bullshit Trump was cooking.  Was she handing out sandwiches to the rioters?  Did she bring Proud Boys Potato Chips?  

I’ve called out the left for many stupid things, but the right does just as much.  Why throw all that away from a bloated orange man with yellow hair?  I wouldn’t do it for Obama, and I like Obama.  If she spends three years in prison, which I doubt, she can write a book about prison food and how to serve it without being shanked.  

Side note:  Guess which state she’s from?  Florida!  

Side note 2:  She is a blogger too.  


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