Monday, January 31, 2022

Karen: Leaving a Karen Note Part 1 of 2

Here’s the thing; I am a major asshole.  I treat people like shit.  If there is a way for me to pass through or squeeze through something, I will take the opportunity to do it.  Just like in this story.  

Driving to my local Chinese store for some boneless BBQ ribs, I entered the parking lot.  Given that it was rush hour, it was busy with cars everywhere.  The Chinese place was on the left side, so I had to turn. There was a car coming in the other direction and I quickly turned.  I didn’t realize I cut off a woman walking across the crosswalk to her car, so I sped up to not block her path.  I know I scared her a little, but I was never going to hit her.  Thinking nothing of it, I parked my car and went inside, listening to a podcast about Planet of the Apes…Tim Burton one.  

When you are out of sight, you are out of mind for me.  So, I ordered my BBQ and went to the Kroger store next door.  I gathered my food and stuff and got into my car.  I noticed a piece of white paper in my windshield wiper blade.  

Hmm, what is this?  Is it some hot girl leaving me her number, or someone spamming me?   I got out and opened it.

Nope, it was a Karen letter, and it gets a little crazy and slightly racist….

End of part one. 

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