Saturday, January 08, 2022

Doug Kuzma DEAD From COVID-19 Play that Vaxman song

Just keep acting stupid, people.  Listen, I’ve had Covid, and it isn’t fun.  My whole family has had it, and it killed some of them.  I got vaxxed, and it wasn’t fun, but it helps the body fight the virus.  How many more of these anti-vaxxers are going to die before someone gets the hint?   Doug Kuzma was a fat dude that refused to get vaxxed, and he died from it.  Oh, he did take a de-wormer drug.  At least, he doesn’t have worms.  

I’m not like the far-left people that want to save the misinformed folks.  The info is out that vaxxes work and helps fight the virus.  Either you take it or you don’t.  Simple as that.  You die, then you die from misinformation.  

While I shouldn’t dance on someone’s grave, the comments left on his now-dead channel are a bit amusing…if sad.  Doug, there are no continues in the game of stupid.  

Christina Slate

13 days ago

“Reawaken America “ LOL ! Too bad Doug won’t be reawakened again


1 day ago

Dying to own the libs. Love it!

Stu Pidd

1 day ago

Hey Doug, any advice on getting the vaccine?  Oh, sorry, you're dead now.

Gabriel L

2 days ago

Doug, did your magic pile of horse dewormer save you, buddy? No? Dang. Tell Jesus the prayer warriors were too weak.

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