Saturday, November 20, 2021

Linkara vs RalphTheMovieMaker Word Up

I swear that Linkara is really turning into a prima donna.   I used to look up to these CA people until the Change the Channel bullshit started happening, and their pettiness started to surface.  It is like these people have never had a real job in their entire lives.  Lashing out at people that criticize your work is very hypocritical of you, Linkara.  You don’t have thick skin, yet you have made a living shitting and mocking other people’s works.   It is also strange that he didn’t call out Quntion Reviews for really shitting on his movie.  Most of the reviews are harmless, and Linkara needs to get his head out of his ass.  And, stop tweeting as much.  He had a total meltdown twice over people mocking him.  Get over yourself.  

What is with my generation and their need to constantly tweet every f’ing thing? 

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