Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Halloween: Timelines WTF

I am usually not a horror fan, but I like the Halloween series (and various timelines).  It might get confusing for a newcomer to get into the series due to the different timelines/cuts/reboots.  

Other than the Halloween move timelines, the Highlander and Gundam timelines are also confusing and troubling.  It gets very confusing when you try to explain that Highlander has numerous timelines and lore.  It is really confusing that have been so many timelines and reboots.  

I like the H20/H1&2 timeline, but I haven’t watched the H(2018) movie and its sequel.  I’ve seen the other timeline where Micheal becomes a demon of sorts with the cult following him around.  The whole cult thing gets really crazy.  With cult, the series became closer to the Jason movies than being its own thing.  

And, forget about the Rob Zombie version. 

When I heard that the newer Halloween movies were another timeline that didn't connect to H20, I got off the Halloween train. I might give the new movies a try sometime.

Someday, I need to explain the different Highlander timelines...

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