Saturday, October 16, 2021

Zip Tie Guy: Fart Knocker.

When you take your mother to perform a federal crime, you’re doing something wrong.  Somehow, Eric got fired from Kid Rock’s bar in Nashville.  That’s like getting fired from McDonald’s for poor service, that shouldn’t be possible.  Given Eric seems to be a one-step from the trailer park, it doesn’t surprise me that he and his mother travel to the US capital and broke the law together.  Notice that he didn’t take a girlfriend along.  

Not only did he bring his mother along, but he also taped his entire federal crime himself.  After the event, he admitted to the crime to another streamer.  I swear they’re making it easy for the Feds.  

So, this guy endangered his future based on a lie from a rich fellow tricking him.  If it weren’t funny, I’d find it sad. Instead of leaving a proud legacy, he’ll be spending time in prison being known as the “Zip Tie Guy”.  Funnily enough, this will be the height of this guy's life and Trump doesn't give a crap.

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