Friday, October 22, 2021

TCAP - Tim Isaac Meets Alonzo Wade - YTP

These two dunces are some of the saddest and funniest predators from that sting.  I love that both of them acted and looked the same and were caught in the same damn sting.  I am even certain the two rednecks crossed paths in sitting in jail.  Likewise, I am sure they’re cousins of some type.  Out of the two of them, Mr. Issac is my favorite.  Tim Issac had to have known he looked like Super Mario with that creepy-ass facial hair and redshirt.  Alonzo Wade just wanted to party, that’s all.  

Here’s the best part, Tim Issac just got married this a fully grown woman.  He lost the Mario Brothers facial hair and shirt, though.  Here's hoping his wife isn't a crazy person that burns down houses and steals drugs. If someone as goofy and stupid as Tim can get married, there is hope for me yet.

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