Friday, September 17, 2021

Was Jeff Stacy Murdered? part 1 (Maybe a burn or two) What's wrong with that?

Even after his death, the Goblin King has something that caught my attention. Somewhere, Jeff Sokol is mad that Stacy has stolen his thunder again.

Things are getting interesting in the Jeff Stacy lore.  If you can remember, Stacy passed away earlier this year from an overdose.  I reported that he was divorced at the time of his death.  That might have not been the case.  His wife still carries his last name.  While it seems strange that any woman would want to be around Jeff, to each their own.  

Anyway, some strange and terrible things have come out about his wife.  It would appear that Leann Stacy is a shitty person, just like her former hubby.  Like her dead hubby, she has an arrest record.  The local PD recently arrested her for burning down a place she no longer owned and nearly killed a bunch of pets in the process.  She also could have killed other people as well.  What a piece of shit.  Allegedly, she has had drug abuse problems in the past when she is not burning down locations.  

Now, there is some debate if this is the same person in the arrest records.  Her weight is a bit off from what she appears to be in the pictures.  It could be a different person.  However, someone this shitty would be the only woman, other than super methhead, would marry the goblin that is Jeff Stacy.  

Jᴏᴇʏ’s TCᴀP Cʜᴀɴɴᴇʟ does put out the theory of Jeff Stacy’s death and his wife’s connection to drugs and being a vindictive POS.  I’ll post more when Joey puts out more information about her and her arrest.  Joey does do his research.  

Things are getting interesting

Big Pimping, yo!  I guess he should have checked the “Car Facts” before buying the car.  Did Stacy start to get his life together only to have some POS in his life destroy him? This could be tragic.

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