Wednesday, August 25, 2021

TCAP Maurice J Wolin Self-Deleted: He wasn't going to do anything...

Well, it has been revealed that Maurice Wolin died.  Not only did he croak, but he killed himself.  Hanged himself in his own home for his wife, who stayed by his side, to find him hanging.  I am all about supporting mental health, but this guy is a piece of shit.    It appears Wolin turned into a constant drinker and threatened his wife and family with suicide.  

I really hated this guy because of his ego.  Wolin refused to take responsibility for his horrible actions.  He even hired a super lawyer to get his charges dropped, and it didn’t work.  He ended up regretting that.  He pleaded “No Contestto the charges.  Then, he went around the internet arguing with trolls and TCAP fans about their opinions of him.  Wolin was a proto-Jeff Sokol.  I didn’t wish death on him or think of him as dangerous as Dustin Mc-Shave-Down-There.  While I feel sad that his daughters and his wife had to live with this POS, I don’t mourn his passing either.   I had a small bit of sorrow for Jeff Stacy but not this guy.  Instead of starting a redemption run and help people, he felt bad for himself and drank a lot.

Because Wolin was rich and a doctor, he thought getting caught was beneath him.  Like Jeff Stacy, Wolin’s passing has little fanfare among his family and friends.  Heck, there were rumors that Covid took him. 

F' him.

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