Monday, August 09, 2021

Sarah Brand - Red Dress (Official Music Video)

Talk about off-brand.  BTW, this song has now hit the 1 million mark.  Chris Chan may have broken the Internet. This woman may have confused it. Did she use the MS Song Generator program?

Sarah Brand is the Neil Breen of music.  Everything about this song is anti-music.  Is it the worst song ever?  Probably in the top ten.  The singing is out of tune and the background music is off-key.  I believe Sarah is doing this all on purpose.  Clearly, she is trolling us all.  This is all on purpose.  Plus, she has another song to hurt yourself called Fantasy.

Even the bridge/guitar solo is off-key.  

The music video doesn’t make any sense and makes no connection to the lyrics.  Rebecca Black’s Friday has some structure, yet Red Dress is bad in every way.  Someone in her family or friend group would have told her it was bad. 

So, I guess we’re watching a religious woman wanting to be either a stripper or a hooker.  She wants people to see her in a dress and proceeds to give Chad a lap dance.  With the discord of tones, it is difficult to follow the message.  I love the fact she flashes her black underwear in a real church.  Yes, I was looking...for research purposes.  

Here’s the best part.  There is another woman with a terrible musical background with the same name and a big nose.  Yet, she has a different middle name.  Her name is Sarah Gail Brand.  Given their body types, I don’t think they’re the same person.  It is strange that two women with the same name are creating anti-music. Maybe the two can do a superhero team-up like Batman and Superman. 

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