Tuesday, July 27, 2021

WingsofRedemption Kicked from partnership.

Wings of Redemption loses his partnership at Twitch. 
I swear that Wings and DSP seem to follow each other closely.  Despite hating each other, they both seem to have similar issues happen months between themselves.  DSP gets married and Wings does the same.  Twitch kicks both DSP and Wings out of their partnership program.  

Like DSP, Wings used Twitch as a hugbox, and now that safety net is now gone.  Wings relied on Twitch too instead of looking for other options.  Given that Wings and DSP are dinosaurs in the live-streaming world, so it might be time to move on and get a real job.  With the way things are on the Internet, I am surprised he lasted this long.  If you are some frosted-tip douche bag or a booby streamer, Twitch doesn’t care about you.  Plus, I think Twitch is trying to drop some of the more negative weight around their platform.  

The Internet isn’t what it used to be since normal people took over.  It isn’t for us anymore, and making a living on the Internet just isn’t feasible.  

It is time to move on, Wings. 

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